LOCATIONCuetzalan, Puebla, Mexico
YEAR2015 - 2016
PROJECT DIRECTORLeonardo Neve, Diego Vilatela, Angel Valerio
DESIGN TEAMOlivia Gil, Mariana Pedrero, Juan Januzzo, Jose Luis Baez, Javier Flores, Liliana Gonzalez
PHOTOGRAPHYPatrick Lopez Jaimes

Traveling is a thrilling experience. A moment in your life when you are relaxed and open to new discoveries. The approach to these project was to maximize the experience of traveling and discovery. Leaving aside the comfort of routine, the new hostel is meant to transport the users into a “new dimension” a place that dialogs with the natural exuberant context, setting the user into a totally new mood.
The Hostel is located at the existing eco-touristic complex Tosepankali. A nahuatl indigenous cooperative that seeks to increase the quality of life of its members, keeping their cultural legacy and preserving their natural resources. These is why we selected local materials like bamboo, stone, brick and Bahareque (soil and bamboo panel)

The project intends to merge and dialogue with the rugged topography of the site in a ludic and free style. At the same time recover the local materials and typology. The building emerges from the ground inviting the vegetation to invade it and become one element with the landscape.